Larry Darnell

1 (850) 445-1757


CE No? What's this about anyway?

People commonly ask me if I am a CEO and I reply with, I am a "CE NO". I have spent the better part of my working life never being the final decision maker.
In the business world, those positions reside in the C-Suite like Chief Executive Officer, Chief Staff Executive, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Technology Officer, or Chief Financial Officer.
Despite never having reached what many view as the pinnacle of leadership positions, they are ways you can make a difference outside of the C-Suite. That is what this is all about making a difference right where you are.

What Would I Do If I Was CEO?

I'd like to think little about me would change. I try to inspire, educate, and help others right now. Obviously my decisions then would carry more weight and responsibility than those I make now. 

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